Floridian radio broadcasters evaluated the results of their work in 2024 (+Posts)

Florida, Dec. 17 – The workers of Radio Florida held their Balance Assembly for 2024, where they evaluated the results of the work of the collective during the period and critically expressed their deficiencies and commitments for the coming year.

Among the issues raised was the insufficient budget for the payment of the various services that the station receives from other institutions, in addition to collaborations, salary stimulation and the writing of scripts to guarantee higher quality programming that is more closely linked to the demands and expectations of the population.

Maribel Nogueira, announcer at the Floridian radio station, referred to the existing situation with the delay in the payment of salaries to workers, a matter which, according to the director Enrique García, violates the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Belkis Pérez Leiva, Deputy Director of Economics and Accounting at the provincial management of the Radio, explained in detail the allocation of the year’s budget to each entity of the system and congratulated the staff of the Human Resources Department of the Floridian radio station for their efficiency and quality of their work.

Martha Martínez Duliet, journalist and editor of Radio Florida’s Web page, referred to the link achieved with the press reporters that allows the daily updating of the digital site, in spite of the energy contingency the country is experiencing, and suggested the reorganization of the group to guarantee the immediacy of the publications.

In another moment of the discussion of the balance report, Arcilio Peláez Conde, Director of Programs, referred to the role played by radio programming in the education of the population through the dissemination of didactic messages in line with the policies of the Communist Party and the Cuban Government.

Speaking at the meeting, Ailer Almarales Fonseca, head of Information and Communication of Camagüey radio, acknowledged the work of the Information Department in the tribute to the provincial chain and recommended increasing the participation of radio broadcasters in social networks.

With a recognition to Arisbel Peña, Flora Horta, Fernando Montero and Pedro Pablo Sáez, the most outstanding workers of the current year, concluded the annual balance assembly of the labor collective of Radio Florida, meeting in which were also encouraged Julio and Martha Martínez, long-time radio workers who despite the benefit of retirement continue contributing to the programming of the local radio station.

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Acerca de Fermin Antonio Peña Sánchez

Ingeniero en Electrónica y Diseñador Web. Diplomado en Periodismo. Labora en Radio Florida desde el año 2004. WebMaster del sitio web de la Emisora Radio Florida. Amante de la fotografía y las nuevas tecnologías. Contactos: Twitter: @ferminflorida Instagram: ferminflorida

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