Florida, Dec. 14 – The machinery and sugarcane collectives of La Empresa Agroindustrial Azucarera Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz, in the municipality of Florida, continue getting ready for the beginning of the 2025 harvest.
According to the information provided by the head of the sugarcane front in that agro-productive conglomerate, in the upcoming contest they will count, once again, with a state platoon of 3 KTP-2 with the purpose of harvesting some six thousand tons of sugarcane destined for Carlos Manuel de Céspedes sugar mill.
During the previous contest, the lack of fuel, problems with the transport assigned by TransMec, and the instability of the cage cars at the cleaning center in Argentina limited the possibilities of the daily fulfillment of the harvesting task in the Agramonte area.
Even though some unforeseen events and the aforementioned deficiencies could arise or be reiterated from the current situation, the workers and managers of Ignacio Agramonte Agro-sugar Company are called upon to achieve all possible efficiency in the harvesting and delivery of the cane estimated there to make sugar in 2025.