On October 28, 1959, due to bad weather, the Cessna plane carrying Commander Camilo Cienfuegos Gorriarán, one of the fundamental pillars of the armed struggle that overthrew the pro-imperialist dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, disappeared from Camagüey to Havana.
Son of a humble and dignified family that educated their descendants in noble values of justice, loyalty and patriotism, Camilo was cheerful, passionate about baseball and plastic arts, charismatic, and deeply Martiano; his life passed like that of any boy of the people, because of his jovial character he became very popular and loved among his partners and friends.
In 1953 in search of a better situation he travels to the United States, but he is indignant with the environment of that country and decides to return to Cuba; rebellious and patriotic by conviction, he joins the student struggles, registered by the police he returns to exile, knowing the activity of Fidel Castro and his group he defines his destiny.
On December 2, 1956 he disembarks with the Granma expeditionaries and is one of the survivors in Alegría de Pío; he climbs with Fidel to the Sierra Maestra and for his spirit of sacrifice, his bravery and loyalty to the revolution, he is promoted in April 1958 to the rank of commander; and designated, together with Che, to lead the invasion to the west.
At the triumph of January 1959 Camilo was appointed Chief of Staff of the Rebel Army, a position from which he was in charge of the arrest of Hubert Matos after the attempted uprising in Camagüey; after the disappearance of the plane in which he was traveling, one of the most painful chapters of the patriotic history began, with the search by land, air and sea for the best of the guerrillas, the Cuban with the bright smile, the trusted companion of Fidel.
After two weeks of search, when confirming the loss of the fighter known as Lord of the Vanguard and Hero of Yaguajay, Fidel Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution assured: «In the people there are many Camilos (…) «Camilo living in the men who are inspired by him».
Sixty-five years after the physical disappearance of the «comrade of a hundred battles», as Che Guevara called him, we reiterate the request made by Fidel to the people of Cuba «that every time the homeland finds itself in a difficult situation, in a moment of danger, it should be remember Camilo».