Florida, Aug. 8 – The demand and control of the fulfillment of the milk collection plans by the cattlemen, farm by farm and day after day, constitute unavoidable missions of the directing boards in each cooperative, and the administrations in the rest of the producing units of the agricultural sector.
This was reaffirmed by the first secretary of the Communist Party in Florida, Liliana Boudet Nápoles, at the end of the most recent exercise of control of the performance of the agrarian base by the Government and the Municipal Delegation of Agriculture.
The resumption of this activity of control and methodological orientation seeks, in the current stage, to organize the operation of the structures at that level in order to advance in the planting of viands and, above all, to increase the sale of milk and meat to the food industry.
According to information from the Combined Dairy of the territory, the current volumes of milk collection are around 16 thousand liters per day, practically half of what was acquired at the same stage in previous years.
The agenda of the comprehensive visits to the farmer cooperatives and other agricultural entities in Florida includes the exchange with the cowboys, the review and analysis of the causes of the intermittent failures in the delivery of milking and the demand for respect for the milk contract, together with the words of recognition to the most outstanding in the referred tasks.