Held in Florida flagging act of Student Labor Brigades ( Post)

Florida, 9 Jul.- The special school José Luis Tassende de las Muñecas hosted the municipal flagging act of the Student Labor Brigades (BET) in Florida, event that counted with the presence of Alexey Cobo, member of the Bureau of Communist Party that serves the educational sphere; Yunior Juan Vega, general director of Education and other executives of that sector.

The members of the Federation of Secondary School Students (FEEM) will be linked during these summer months to tasks of impact, social and economic to help strengthen the economy and local development of the territory.

The Student Labour Brigades, in close liaison with the Agriculture Directorate and the National Association of Small Farmers, have the mission of fulfilling a plan of actions that contribute to responding to local needs and establish as a way of implementing the FEEM Project by Cuba.

Productive activities on self-consumption farms, orchards and plots of different educational institutions; recovery and repair of the Study and Life Material Base; sanitation of green areas, and auto focus in neighborhoods with complex situations due to the presence of mosquitoes are some of the main actions to be carried out by children mobilized during the vacation period.

At the end of the flagging ceremony, the youth participated in a volunteer work in the school garden of the special school José Luis Tassende de las Muñecas, a space where medicinal plants and various crops are cultived.

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