Florida, June 6 – As part of the jubilee of the centenary’s declaration of the municipality of Florida, the collective exhibition Reencuentros was inaugurated in the Gallery of Arts.
The museologist and researcher María Antonia Fonte Alzugaray, pointed out that the exhibited works are the result of the creative work of present and absent Floridian artists, and others linked to the locality, and were conceived in the last 20th century and in the current century.
The pieces are part of the local patrimony of Florida, sponsored by the Municipal Museum, in the mission of safeguarding, investigating and promoting the museum collections; in some of them the historical interest predominates reflected in an artistic way, with several styles, thematic and representative genres of the development of the culture in the territory.
And as the specialist explained, some come from the End of the Millennium exhibition, along with donations and Acquisition Awards that the Florida Museum treasures.
Jesús López López, Agustín Fernández Carlos, Ambarina Santos Torriente, Alberto Hernández Rodríguez and Jorge Santos Díaz are some of the creators of the rich collection that the Floridian public can enjoy at the Art Gallery.