XXVI edition of the Reading Martí Contest was held in Florida.

Foto: Dunia Álvarez Palacios

Florida, May 31 – Floridian students submitted their works to the 26th edition of the Reading Marti Contest developed during this month in the educational institutions of the territory, a contest designed for teachers, parents, librarians and students to join in the noble task of studying, thinking and writing about the man of the Golden Age.

A central part of the Reading Marti Contest is oriented towards the rich work of Cuba’s National Hero and stimulates schoolchildren to exercise their language, imagination, spelling and communication skills by writing articles with creative and original contributions on Marti’s literature.

The contest has been held in the country since 1998, with the participation of students from fourth grade to university education; it is a broad movement that starts from the school library to the national level, where the best papers presented by the participants are awarded.

There is no one like the Apostle of Cuban Independence to summon the new generations of Cubans to fulfill the sacred duty of studying; the Reading Martí Contest manages every year to motivate, relate and bring children, adolescents and young people closer to the works of this man who is the pride of Cuba and a good part of the world.

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