Florida, May 25 – Teachers and students from several educational institutions of Florida presented their experiences at the Municipal Workshop on Food Sovereignty and Nutritional Education that was held at the Palacio de Pioneros Cándido González of the territory.
With the presence of officials from the general direction of that sector, the speakers presented several works on nutritional education, a topic addressed from the classroom in different subjects at all educational levels, which aims to raise awareness about obtaining a balanced, nutritious and healthy diet, adapted to the needs of students and linked to local agriculture.
Students from the José Martí urban elementary school presented a paper entitled For a healthy and wholesome diet; in turn, the sixth grade pioneers from the Leonor Pérez Cabrera elementary school, together with their teacher Olga Lidia Álvarez, proposed a system of activities of the work carried out in the school garden linked to the subjects Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
The realization of the event corroborated the contribution to food and nutritional security of Florida’s educational institutions and in that sense, the effort, perseverance and tenacity of workers and students to ensure the proper implementation of Ministerial Resolution 67 of 2021 on the Ministry of Education’s plan for School Nutrition.
Food sovereignty and the strengthening of nutritional security are objectives to be achieved in Cuba as part of the 2030 Agenda in order to progressively guarantee the protection of the right to healthy and adequate food for people.