Sugar Agroindustrial Company of Florida bets to diversify production (+Post)

Empresa Agroindustrial Azucarera Argentina de Florida apuesta por diversificar producciones

Florida, May 3 – Workers of Agroindustrial Sugar Company Argentina, in the municipality of Florida, received May 1st with the delivery of the first two thousand liters of the biostimulant known as Levame, an item that is part of the productive diversification program of the entity.

This first batch of the product is mainly intended to carry out effectiveness tests in sugarcane plantations of the units linked to the company.

Based on the results, they plan to expand production capacity and explore new markets for the commercialization of the biostimulant.

The small plant for the production of Levame was installed in one of the premises available within the Central Argentina industry, where it is intended to maintain, for the time being, a production cycle of between two and four thousand liters per week.

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Acerca de Pedro Pablo Sáez Herrera

Licenciado en estudios Socioculturales de la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomado en Periodismo. Labora como periodista en Radio Florida atendiendo sectores como Salud Pública, la Asociación Nacional de Agricultores Pequeños, Trabajo y Seguridad Social, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @SanPPZeta Facebook: Pedro Pablo Sáez

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