Productive work in Florida in celebration of May 1st (+Post)

Florida, April 30 – More than 60 workers representing the unions of the Public Administration and sugar workers, among other workers, participated in the productive work developed in the Basic Unit of Cooperative Production (UBPC) Mártires de Florida in salute to May 1st, International Proletariat Day.

During the day, the participants planted one hectare of sugar cane, a basic task of the municipality that will guarantee raw material for the production of sugar for the standard family basket in the coming years.

In the UBPC Mártires de Florida there are 17 hectares planted with rice and one hectare of cassava, and its workers intend, in the coming months, to increase the areas planted with sugar cane, with the support of the men and women who participate in the mobilizations.

The productive work carried out in the UBPC Mártires de Florida, responds to the objective of promoting food production programs for the people, and is included in the program of activities carried out in this demarcation in honor of May 1st, International Workers’ Day.

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Acerca de Mayelin Baryolo Rodríguez

Licenciada en Estudios Socioculturales en la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomada en Periodismo. Trabaja como periodista de Radio Florida desde el año 2009 atendiendo sectores como la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas, los Comités de Defensa de la Revolución, la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @mayelinbaryolo Facebook: Mayelín Baryolo Rodríguez

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