In Florida a day of activities to celebrate Cuban Book Day

Florida, Mar. 25 – In order to celebrate Cuban Book Day, school librarians from educational institutions at all levels of education in the country are carrying out a day of activities that will last until March 31, the date of this important event.

An agenda of exchanges, book presentations, lectures, informative panels, readings of texts and recommendations of Cuban literary works are some of the actions being carried out in schools with the participation of students and teachers, and the exhibition of audiovisual products with film versions on children’s and young people’s literature is also planned.

In line with the celebration, an exchange with school librarians of the elementary school level was held at the Municipal Center for Documentation and Pedagogical Information (CDIP), and a special morning session is scheduled for March 25 at the special office of the General Directorate of Education.

The annual event commemorates the creation of the National Printing House in 1959; the date of Cuban Book Day was chosen in 1981 as a tribute to that first step in the creation of Cuba’s publishing system and in recognition of all those who are part of the world of literature.

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