Florida, Feb. 20 – Five Floridian students from Leonor Pérez, Tania la Guerrillera, Enrique José Varona and Sierra Maestra schools participated in the National Contest of Natural Sciences of Primary Education held in Florida, a step towards knowledge, understanding and respect for the natural world that gives us life and amazement.
The educational institution Leonor Pérez Cabrera welcomed the contestants Ana Lía Moreira Madrigal, Sirania and Yelena López Moreno, Dailié Pérez García, Alejandro Jesús Abreu Maya and Braikel José Pelayo Makenzie, students who received an intensive previous preparation in the different concentrations organized in the territory with the wisdom of teachers and methodologists and the unconditional support of their families.
The prizes obtained by Florida’s primary education level in the knowledge contests are the result of the work carried out by its educators to provide increasingly more developmental classes as part of the Third Improvement of Cuban Education.
The territory’s strategy includes individual attention to potential contestants from their schools to the competitions and includes rigorous testing of the subjects in which talented and dedicated students participate.