Florida, Feb. 13 – «The shortcomings and limitations of the present cannot prevent the defense of patriotism and the best revolutionary values represented in the main protagonists of the national history and in the respect to the heroes and martyrs who gave their lives for justice and independence of the Cuban people».
Under such premise, the annual balance assembly of the Commission of Attention to Combatants and Relatives of the Fallen for the period of 2023 was held in the municipality of Florida, a fruitful exchange that was attended by the highest political and governmental authorities and the Administration Council of the territory, together with veterans of the different epics and missions in defense of the Revolution and its work.
During the meeting, the results of the social, medical, material and economic support to the personnel who performed or performs tasks in the interest of defense were evaluated, including the accountability of agencies such as the Housing, Communal and Military Sector Directorates.
According to the balance report, at the end of the previous period, issues such as the technical review, repair and completion of housing and housing cells in favor of beneficiaries, rehabilitation and insurance actions in the Pantheon of the Fallen for the Defense, located in the necropolis of Florida, and banish delays in the process of delivery of idle land to demobilized youths of the Active Military Service were pending solution.
Nevertheless, and in the midst of the difficult conditions of the Cuban economy, the Municipal Office of Attention to Combatants maintained systematic visits, financial aid and the distribution of resources to the more than 100 troops on its payroll, including special assistance to bedridden and family members of martyrs in a situation of social vulnerability or physical disability.
Among the work objectives approved for the current stage are to strengthen the unity of the members of the commission to offer better socio-economic, spiritual and health protection to the combatants of the Revolution and veterans of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, to open space to pay greater tribute to their exemplary career, and to bring them much closer to the exchange with the new generations.
Summarizing the Annual Balance Assembly of the Commission of Attention to Combatants and Relatives of the Fallen in defense-related missions, Liliana Boudet Nápoles, first secretary of the Communist Party in the municipality of Florida, called to work with empathy, evaluate alternatives and overcome the challenges of the present, to reach the last beneficiary of that government body, not only in the endeavor to support them, but also to honor history and defend the living memory of patriotism, dignity and commitment of the Cuban people.