An activity for Love and Friendship is dedicated to grandparents (+photos)

Florida, Feb. 12 – Dedicated to the Day of Love and Friendship, the activity Alegría y Esperanza, sponsored every month by the Municipal Museum of Florida, was held at La Casa de los Abuelos with phrases, reflections, poems and the interpretations of Carlos Infantes, an outstanding cultural promoter.

Marelys Perna, a technician at Rubén Martínez Villena public library, gave a commented reading of the book «I am love, I am truth», a work aimed at creating awareness and responsibility in the face of life and the importance of overcoming ignorance.

On the other hand, museologist Margarita Fernández Cervantes displayed her oratory to read passages and anecdotes related to February 14 and highlighted the love letters of Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda and the story of the love affairs of Ignacio Agramonte and Amalia Simoni.

A similar action was also carried out in José Martí Park with the members of the nursing home Renacer a la vida.

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