Florida, January 9.- The temporary Working Group to confront the Giant African Snail in Florida detected and eliminated more than 30 specimens of this mollusk located in the San Emilio community, in the Agramonte popular council.

During the prophylactic action, carried out in district number 28 of that district, the entire infested area was cleaned, with the application of lime treatment in the places where the Giant African Snail specimens were collected.
ProSalud specialists also developed house-to-house health hearings to inform local residents how to act in the event of the presence of this very harmful species and the importance of cleaning patios and surrounding areas of homes.
The Giant African Snail has the capacity to transmit meningitis, and has a predatory effect on some 200 plant species, so it is recommended not to touch it or manipulate it, and if you detect it, notify the health authorities of the territory.