Floridians repudiate subversive plans against the Cuban people

Florida, Dec. 16.- The country’s authorities recently denounced plans promoted from the United States to subvert order and cause pain among Cuban families during this year’s end.

On national television, evidence was exposed about an infiltration operation along the northern coast of Matanzas by a Cuban resident in the United States, with weapons and plans to mobilize other people, to carry out acts of sabotage and aggression against the state, its facilities and leaders.

Those who value the tranquility and citizen security achieved by the Cuban Revolution in Florida are not indifferent to this type of terrorist plans, a topic that journalist Yunier Soler Castellanos refers to in the following radio product.

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Acerca de Yunier Soler Castellanos

Licenciado en Estudios Socioculturales en la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomado en Periodismo. Trabaja como periodista en Radio Florida desde el año 2014 atendiendo sectores como el Poder Popular, Defensa Civil, el INDER, entre otros. Contactos; Twitter: @yuniersolerc Facebook: Yunier Soler Castellanos Blog personal: miopticablog.wordpress.com

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