Systematic inspection of agro-industries continues in Florida (+Post)

Florida, Nov 29.- The effort and will of the Floridian farmer Fidencio Rodríguez Cervantes, associated with the Carlos Díaz Cervantes Agricultural Production Cooperative, is translated today into dozens of hectares planted with tomato, sorghum, pumpkin, banana and bomb fruit destined for to population consumption and obtaining seeds.

This was appreciated by the member of the Provincial Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) in Camagüey, Yuneisys Ramos Vázquez, who joined the systematic check promoted by the highest political and government authorities in the territory of the agro-productive system of Florida.

Immediately after her arrival, the visitor praised the manufacturing of food and the advancement of socioeconomic projects in the Otero Various Productions Base Business Unit, an agricultural establishment capable of producing here, in one work shift, more than three thousand croquettes. and about 2,500 hamburgers.

Both in that dependency of the State Socialist Company Ruta Invasora and in the exchange at the foot of the furrow with other planters and ranchers in love with their performance, the party and government leaders confirmed the certainty that «yes it can be done», proclaimed in the face of difficult times by Army General and leader of the Cuban Revolution Raúl Castro Ruz.

Among the concerns most reiterated by Floridian farmers during the meeting at the base with the leadership of the Party and the Government included complaints of delays in payment for some productions, the demand for fuel to save crops and move harvests, and the speeding up of procedures that hinder agri-food growth in Floridian lands.

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Acerca de Pedro Pablo Sáez Herrera

Licenciado en estudios Socioculturales de la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomado en Periodismo. Labora como periodista en Radio Florida atendiendo sectores como Salud Pública, la Asociación Nacional de Agricultores Pequeños, Trabajo y Seguridad Social, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @SanPPZeta Facebook: Pedro Pablo Sáez

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